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Archaeologists have found the real Biblical Mount Sinai and the top of the mountain is entirely burnt black. And as some of you know, it says in the Bible that: "God came down upon the mountain with burning fire". So it makes perfect sense that the mountain is completely burnt on the top.

This is the ONLY mountain in ALL OF SAUDI ARABIA, that has a blackened top! What's even weirder is that the Bible says that: "the Israelites built twelve stone pillars out of marble at the very bottom of the mountain". And guess what? Archaeologists have found those too! And the Bible also talks about how: "the Israelites made a stone altar to a golden calf at the bottom of the mountain" too. That stuff also exists, and it has inscriptions of cows on it! And the locals will say that if you get caught by the Saudi-Arabian government searching around this site, they will arrest you on suspicion for gold pieces. There's gold, according to the locals, all around the site. It came from the creation of the golden calf.

Furthermore, Mount Sinai is right on the path of the Israelites who crossed the red sea. This lines up with the entire Biblical narrative, period! Whoever told you the Bible is false, lied to you. Christians serve God Almighty! Atheists will usually say that "maybe it's a volcano?", but geologists have tested this mountain and have confirmed that it's not a volcano. Maybe it was a wildfire that occurred, burning the rocks and shrubs and plants? Well, guess what, that idea has also been falsified. Plants don't grow at the top of the Saudi-Arabian mountains, they are far too hot!

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