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A common question among atheists and sceptics and maybe even some Christians is: "If God is real, the God that you (Christians) claim is real, and He wants everyone to believe in Him, why doesn't He just show Himself to everyone and just get the debate over with, why does He need to hide?". That's a pretty good question, and you may not like the answer.

The reality of the matter is, God just simply doesn't care if you believe in His existence. You might say that doesn't make any sense at all, isn't Christianity based on the idea of believing in God? Aren't we supposed to believe in Him? If He just showed Himself to everybody, we'd all believe and just be done with, right? Yeah, absolutely! If He showed Himself to everyone, we'd just believe He existed, but that's not what God wants. God doesn't want you to believe He exists, He wants you to believe in Him, He wants you to call Him Lord, He wants your heart. You see, if we all just believed He existed, if He just showed Himself to everyone, we would just have a bunch of Pharisees. If you don't know what Pharisees are, they were a bunch of people in the new testament in the Bible, that basically just went around condemning everyone, saying you shouldn't do "this" because God said you shouldn't do it, and they missed the whole point. They missed the point of being in a relationship with God. They were so worried about just not sinning, so they could get into the kingdom of God and that was the problem.

You see, if God showed Himself to everyone now on this earth, that's all we would have. We would just have people trying to get into the kingdom of God, and God doesn't want that. God doesn't want us working for our own selfish needs and trying to do "good" things for a reward. He wants us to be in a relationship with Him, so He could actually change our hearts, and we could actually move on a better path and we would get the reward because we were actually people who will end up deserving it in the end, because we accepted His grace. Then you might ask, why would people even try to follow Him at all, or give their hearts to Him if they don't even know He exists?

 Well, God says: "seek and you will find" and "knock and I will answer". God doesn't want people to just follow blindly. He wants people to actively seek Him out, look for Him, want Him, and desire Him. That's the whole point. He wants us not to be robots or obedient little slaves, He wants us to choose Him. That's why we have free will, that's why we have the option to say, yes, to God or, no, to God. He's out there, the evidence is out there, but the reality is you have to seek it and look for it yourself, no one can provide it to you. If we could, again, we would just end up with a bunch of Pharisees. But if you actually seek out God and you find Him yourself, you're going to have a proper relationship with God, because you desired it and He also desires you. He's waiting for you to go to Him, He's there. You just have to be ready, and accept Him as your Lord and personal saviour. That's all it is.

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