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The Illuminati

The Illuminati is widely known to be a shadowy group of elite and powerful who secretly run the world from behind the scenes of every event, all bent on starting World War Three, enslaving mankind, and bringing about a New World Order(a single, unified government that will rule the world). Multinational institutions like the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the European Union, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund have all been accused of being founding members of this New World Order, and it's all designed to keep us oblivious, obedient, and enslaved.

A source who claims that he was a high-ranking member of the Illuminati for almost fifty years is now exposing their shocking secrets to the world, putting himself at risk of retaliation from the powerful Illuminati. The source won't give his name for obvious reasons, so we'll call him Dan. Dan says he was recruited by the Illuminati back in the sixties when he was a student at Harvard. Back then, he was running an investment scheme on campus. The Illuminati noticed his activities and were impressed by the power and influence he was gaining, and they decided to recruit him. He remembers a day on campus being approached by two men wearing black suits. They led him into the basement of a building, sat him down, and offered to "make a deal" with him. They wouldn't tell him what the terms of this deal would be, but eventually, they wore Dan down, and from that day forward, Dan was a member of the Illuminati. Dan claims that he remained a faithful member of the Illuminati for forty-seven years and that he was supportive of their beliefs and plans for decades. But then, in June 2010, information was revealed at a secret meeting that was too much for Dan to bear. He realized that he had to "extinguish his contract", and he soon became one of only seven people in history to have completed the Illuminati's Departure Ritual. Dan took a great personal risk when he decided to start exposing the Illuminati's secrets to the world. In a series of posts in an online forum, Dan laid out the Illuminati's secret plans for the world and warned humanity about what's in store for them. First, Dan explained how the Illuminati organizes themselves around the world so that they can implement their diabolical plots. 

The Illuminati divides the world into regions, and each region is controlled by a high-ranking member of the Illuminati. Sometimes these leaders are masquerading as legitimate politicians and elected leaders, and sometimes they are working behind the scenes to control puppet leaders. For example, the Middle Eastern region is controlled by the Illuminati through the "puppet state" of Israel. This is an important stronghold for the Illuminati since Israel will be responsible for destroying the troublesome state of Iran when World War Three starts, but rebel groups and tensions with neighboring nations make it hard to maintain control in this region. Russian leader Vladimir Putin controls the entire Asian region, and Europe is controlled by ex-President of France Nicolas Sarkozy and former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. South America has also been a problem area for the Illuminati. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was involved in the Illuminati's schemes, but he was notoriously difficult to work with and the Illuminati leadership considered "replacing" him many times. In reality, Dan claims that the South American region really falls under the control of the Illuminati elites in North America. North America seems to be the central hub of Illuminati power and Illuminati elites are hiding in plain sight. Former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton were apparently under the control of the Illuminati, and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who makes his living "exposing" conspiracies is actually an important part of the Illuminati's propaganda machine.

Many businesses and industry leaders have ties to the Illuminati, too, especially the oil tycoons whose influence will be key to helping the Illuminati take over the world's oil supply and kickstarting the New World Order, although after they've served their purpose the Illuminati will get rid of them. According to our friend Dan, the North American leader of the Illuminati is probably either Warren Buffet, the famous investor, or Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs. Dan also pointed out that shortly before he made his first post, Goldman Sachs had invested five-hundred million dollars in Facebook, so that means that Facebook will soon be under Illuminati control.

Now that we know who controls the Illuminati, what exactly are they planning? According to Dan, the Illuminati's ultimate goal is total world domination. They plan to start World War Three,  wipe out much of the world's population and enslave the rest, and create the New World Order with a single world government. And how exactly will they make this happen? Dan says they have a plan to destabilize the world through manufactured disasters. The Illuminati has many diabolical ways of destabilizing the world in an effort to start a New World Order.

Pandemics like the Spanish Flu, SARS, and H1N1 were all engineered by the Illuminati, who have been testing viruses for years in an effort to find one that will spread quickly around the world. The Illuminati also has strong ties to the financial sector, allowing them to destabilize the economy and create civil unrest. But the scariest weapon in the Illuminati's toolbox is the HAARP Machine. The HAARP, or High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, was developed by Illuminati scientists back in the eighties, and it gives them the power to control the weather and manufacture natural disasters. The HAARP Machine is collectively controlled by the world Illuminati leaders so that no one country can use it against another. Some disasters, like the Haiti earthquakes, were the result of tests gone wrong. Others are well-planned operations, like Hurricane Katrina, which was meant to divert attention away from the fact that the Illuminati were building a bunker under the French Quarter - Dan says that's why it took so to get FEMA aid to the area. Dan also warns that the Gulf Oil Spill was engineered by the Illuminati as part of a devious plan to implant microbodies into the brains of children in the gulf area. Once activated, the microbodies would allow the Illuminati to control their minds.

If the Illuminati is truly planning to launch World War Three and take over the world, how exactly are they keeping all of their plans a secret? Dan says that the Illuminati have a hidden network of underground lairs where they conduct their secret meetings and perform their sacred rituals, as well as take care of the many logistical details involved in launching a huge world-domination scheme. Dan explains that the Illuminati control four-hundred and thirty-nine (439) secret underground bunkers around the world. Two-hundred and seventy-five (275) of these bunkers are designed to be a home-away-from-home for the Illuminati elite, a place where they can hide out from the public eye while they undertake their devious missions, and somewhere to comfortably wait out the "events of the end times". The largest of these bunkers is located in Sao Paolo, Brazil. This underground mini-city is where five-thousand (5000) of the world's richest and powerful people will gather at the start of World War Three to wait for the New World Order.

There are other, smaller bunkers all over the world, and many of them have already been used extensively as the Illuminati have been quietly enacting their plan for world domination. Dan says he himself stayed in one of these bunkers in China in the nineties, and that it was as luxurious as a five-star hotel. Dan revealed that Saddam Hussein is currently living out his days in a luxurious bunker in Argentina after completing his work as a pawn of the Illuminati. His job was to give the U.S. a reason to invade the Middle East, the first step in the Illuminati plan to secure the world's oil supply. These bunkers have been in use for a long time. Dan also disclosed that Abraham Lincoln's assassination was faked and that he actually lived out the rest of his days in an Illuminati bunker in Mexico as his reward for starting the American Civil War, which made the Illuminati-control North a lot of money. 

The rest of the bunkers are used for storing all the supplies needed for a successful world domination plot. Of course, the infamous HAARP machine is stored in one of these underground fortresses, alongside stockpiles of nuclear weapons. Dan explains that some of the underground bunkers have crematoriums, which the Illuminati will use to efficiently dispose of the evidence of planned mass killings. Still, other bunkers are packed with advanced robot technology, ready to work in case of a labour shortage after the Illuminati's population control plans unfold. The robots are also capable of violence and the Illuminati may use them in war, too. Some of the bunkers are dedicated to storing the massive amount of cocaine, heroin, and other illicit drugs that the Illuminati use to fund their operations. Dan says that Warren Buffet has been controlling the drug trade and cartels in the entire Western Hemisphere for the last twenty years, and these bunkers are essential to his operation.

While Dan did reveal plenty of details about the Illuminati's secret plans for the world, he left us with a lot more questions than answers. Although Dan promised to make more posts and reveal additional info, he hasn't been heard from in a long time... did the Illuminati elite silence him?

Some people even take it a step further than Dan. Some people are also convinced that the Illuminati elite is not even human, but actually a race of evil lizards who eat humans. Aliens? Nephilims?

Believe it or not, the Illuminati was once a very real, very well-documented organization. Back in the seventeen hundreds, a group of six Bavarian men wanted to gather together to discuss enlightenment ideas and express their anti-Church and anti-royalty views. Because the church and royalty held a lot of power in the eighteenth century, the group had to meet in secret. They even admitted that their goal was to take over the world - but to them, that meant spreading rational thought and enlightenment ideas, not global domination. The original Illuminati society grew to more than two-thousand members before disbanding for good after a Bavarian leader ruled outlawed secret societies. The Illuminati basically disappeared after that, but we can blame a nineteen-seventies trilogy of fantasy novels called the Illuminatus - which was inspired by the history of the real Illuminati but was completely fictional - for reviving interest in the secret society and spurring conspiracy theories for decades to come.

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