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A nanoworm consists of several nanoparticles linked together in a chain and is used as a delivery mechanism for drugs or imaging agents.

Can a microchip be injected into the human body? Although the UN and its bedfellows from the world of banking, pharma and NGOs have designated the point of vaccination as their 'Entry Point' for tagging a person with a digital financial identity, I have yet to find news of the kind of technology that can make this happen. But it's getting closer.

One of the toughest challenges for bioscientists is designing a device that doesn't trigger the body's immune system. The other major challenge is to get the device to stay in one place permanently. Veterinarians are very familiar with chips becoming dislodged in an animal's body, making them difficult to scan. The human body is no different in this regard. But science has come a long way. The new kid on the block is called nanotechnology which is:

  • allowing a degree of integration between technology and biological systems not previously attainable.

Related: Nanotechnology

These miniature devices can be navigated through blood vessels without triggering a significant immune response and therefore, can be used as a means for non-invasive cancer treatment, as it will be possible to reach cancerous cells from within the body.
During their travels in the bloodstream, the nanoworms reach nearly every organ and tissue in the body. In order to make sure they concentrate mainly at the site of the tumor, the researchers coated the nano-worms with a tumor-specific targeting molecule.

The scientists were able to verify that their nanoworms homed in on tumor sites by injecting them into the bloodstreams of mice with tumors. They found that the nanoworms had indeed aggregated in the tumors, although a major uptake of nanoworms by the liver was also noticeable. Unlike spherical nanoparticles of similar size that were shuttled out of the bloodstream by the immune system, the nanoworms remained in the mice’s bloodstream for hours. 

This is an important property because the longer these nano-worms can stay in the bloodstream, the more chances they have to hit their targets, the tumors,” said Ji-Ho Park, a UC San Diego graduate student in materials science and engineering,

Since the nanoworms aggregate in the liver as well as at the tumor sites, they cannot be optimal carriers for the anti-cancerous drugs just yet. In order to deal with this problem, the researchers are currently working on other molecules and drugs that can be attached to the nanoworms and should increase their specificity and functionality.

Deceiving the immune system with a fake ID

In healthy people, the immune system recognises invaders like bacteria, viruses, foreign bodies and other cells that don't belong in the human body. This triggers the T-cells (a type of white blood cell) to go on the attack. Cancer cells however can pass themselves off as healthy cells. Oncologist Jerrod Holes MD describes them as 'wolves in sheep's clothing', or: 'cells with fake ID'. A most appropriate choice of words when you consider that this is exactly what makes cancer research so interesting to Bill Gates and his associates: if scientists can understand and replicate this mechanism, then they could apply this to biosensors. Even nanoworms are rejected by the body after only a few hours. Jerrod Holmes:

"The most important part of the immune system is to distinguish self from non self...

...T-cells are trained to to attack foreign proteins. Healthy cells have so-called PDL1 (Programmed Death Lygand) that pushes the T-cells away." 

He goes on to explain how cancer cells have developed a way to mimic this 'programmed death' mechanism. To keep biosensors in the body, the immune system would need to be duped and deceived just like cancer cells do. This makes cancer research of particular interest for the ID2020 people. Like cancer, the whole ID2020 scheme is like a wolf in sheep's clothing: it is deceptively presented as something for the good of humanity, but it will invade our bodies, minds and our communities with a fake ID and plunder, poison and eat away our integrity.

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