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The photo above shows the view that the audience gets when the Pope is preaching from the audience hall. If you're a Christian / a follower of Jesus Christ (Yeshua) or a Catholic, make sure that you do read this till the very end because it's extremely important. Remember, the Pope is supposed to be leading people to Yeshua, telling people that He (Jesus) is the way, the truth and the life and there's no other way to the Father (except through Jesus), that He died for your sins and He rose on the third day. But what is he really preaching, and where is he really preaching from?

The image above shows the view outside of the audience hall. It looks extremely similar to a snake's head, and if you didn't catch it the first time, the image below displays the fangs, the slit-shaped eyes (for the windows), the reptilian skin (scales) for the ceiling, and the snakeskin on the walls.

The Pope preaches from the mouth of the snake, and who is the snake in the Bible? Who is the serpent? Who is the one who tempted Eve in the Garden? And if you're still not convinced, do you really think that an architect would build a building not knowing what it would look like from the outside and from the inside? Do you really think that it's a "coincidence" that it looks like a serpent's head from the outside and from the inside, and there's not a single piece of Christian architecture in the building?

Let's go one step further, from the point of view of the Pope, he is preaching to an audience who is already inside the serpent's mouth. The people are already being devoured and the Word tells us that His "people perish for a lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). If that wasn't weird enough, look at the statue behind the Pope as he preaches to the audience in the image below.

That's supposed to be "Jesus" rising from a nuclear explosion. Not only is that not Biblical, but it also looks extremely dark and demonic, the way the statue is designed. Jesus did not die from a "nuclear explosion" or rise from it. He died from crucifixion and rose on the third day, burying our iniquity and giving us His righteousness through His pure and sinless blood. We are saved through faith in Him and His sacrifice in His blood. But is that statue really Jesus? Is that really Yeshua the Messiah? Let's take a closer look at the image below:

If you didn't notice earlier, one side of the head of the statue is completely deformed, or is it? Is it actually meant to be a human, or is it actually supposed to be a serpent rising from hell?

Do not be afraid, this is not to spread fear, this is to remind you of the authority you have if you are truly in the Messiah? In the Bible, Luke 10:19 says: “Look, I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you”. You have power and authority in Yeshua's (Jesus') name. If you believe in His crucifixion and His resurrection, you are saved, sealed, and delivered. You have to walk in His commandments and know the authority and power you have. And finally, in the Bible, Revelation 12:9 says: And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Remember, Satan wants to be the Most High. Yeshua, the Most High, brought forth His word, Jesus Christ, Who came in the flesh, lived a perfect, sinless life and fulfilled the law, died on the cross for our sins and rose on the third day. Faith in Him will save you. Without Him, you will end up in Hell.


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