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School was invented by Horace Mann and what is today the United States’ modern school system. Horace was born in 1796 in Massachusetts and became the Secretary of Education in Massachusetts where he championed an organized and set curriculum of core knowledge for each student.

School was created to serve a particular purpose: to produce loyal, obedient subjects and soldiers and productive, obedient workers. Prior to this, education was delivered in many different ways.

The education system that the whole world knows and uses was invented by the Byzantine Empire, but it was much different than today's. These schools, invented in the distant 425 A.D., were specially meant for military personnel. The Greek philosophers would talk with military personnel on a variety of topics, but would also share knowledge on specific subjects, such as Mathematics, History, Language and Philosophy. But with the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 A.D., these school systems fell too.

In this way, the concept of the school was born. Ancient schools weren't like the schools we know today, though. The earliest schools often focused more on teaching skills and passing along religious values, rather than teaching specific subject areas like is common today.

According to 10,000 Famous Freemasons, John Swett was a Mason; while Horace Mann is claimed as such—perhaps by his wife—in Paul Fisher’s Behind the Lodge Door. In Europe and North America, “culture war” was the socio-political preoccupation of the mid-to-late-19th Century.

Another man who is believed to have invented the school is Harry P. School. Around 1369, he started gathering neighbourhood children with unacceptable behaviour and locking them up in a building. In other words, his “school” was a place where children were being punished. His concept may have been rough, but the parents of the punished children liked Harry’s idea. Truth be told, Harry P. School is not the inventor of school, but he definitely deserves some credit because of his idea of gathering children into one place in order to correct their wrongs.

These names are just two of the long list of “people who invented the school”. It is impossible to say that there is only one person who did it because each and everyone contributed in their own way and helped in creating the educational system that all schools in the world use.

It's obvious that school is used to indoctrinate us right from childhood and make us believe whatsoever because we couldn't really think for ourselves, and when we're grown and can actually do some reasoning, it becomes difficult for us to open our minds to what our reality truly is, and it leaves most people in the dark because they've simply refused and rejected the truth. But we are committed to sharing the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it might be. We want you to avoid deception.

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