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First of all, what is rust? It is an oxide of iron formed when iron reacts with water in the presence of oxygen.  Presence of oxygen, you say? Read this post to further understand how oxygen is present with the moon: The Flat Earth Theory

As most of us may have already heard that the moon is beginning to "rust", some people don't know how and why this is happening, but if you have really studied the word of God, you should know why already.

We need not be told that we are living in the end times because it's already so evidential. In the book of Revelation 6:12 in the Bible, it clearly states:

"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;"

And if you read further on, it explains a whole lot more. So, brace yourselves for we are watching the Bible unfold itself before our very eyes. Do not be scared or worried because it is a wonderful thing for us to witness something like this. We get to see it all end. Remember, the Lord will come for his people before the great tribulation (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) and if you've gotten right with God, you'll also be saved.

This is not to spread fear of any sort, but to create awareness of what is really going on in this world of ours. Be not be deceived, because the enemy will try their possible best to keep you far from God with all sorts of lies and misinformation. Stay woke!

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