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Your DNA is operating, using a literal coded language. According to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), your DNA is operating using grammar, semantics, sentences, words, phonetics, syntax, morphology, spell check and linguistic algorithms. In other words, your DNA is operating by a linguistic system of information exchange. And the NCBI went on to write that the 'grammar' of the human genetic code is more complex than that of even the most intricately constructed languages in the world. It's more advanced than computer code.

In another study by the NCBI, they stated that the chemical bases of DNA: Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thiamine, arranged themselves and sequenced themselves in the exact same way letters in the alphabet come together to form words, sentences, and paragraphs. This is the product of an intelligent mind. This cannot arise from a simple biological process that is unguided and blind like "evolution".

According to a journal on psychology, animals don't even use a language system. They only communicate using emotional signals. Their only function is to manipulate another animal's behaviour, not to share and exchange information. Without those functions, animal signals don't qualify as a language. As compared to words, animal signals are innate, immutable and involuntary. Therefore we know that "evolution" does not produce systematical information exchange systems. It just doesn't. We do not observe it.

With these discoveries, thousands of scientists have signed a petition saying, "they don't believe evolution can account for this. It's completely irrational to believe DNA is the product of a blind, random, mutational force like "evolution". DNA is not unguided and it's not blind. It's the most complex thing we've ever seen! 

With this evidence, you are only left with two live options: either "aliens" made us, or God created us. The major problem with the theory that "aliens" made us, is that they also have to abide by the creation and coding of DNA. It's impossible for them to exist without a designer themselves. "Aliens" also have the coded DNA so who wrote it, if not God?

So, what does this all mean? Theoretical Physicists and Quantum Mechanics are running to the idea that we exist inside of a simulation. If this doesn't give you chills, I don't know what would. Life is clearly designed by an intelligent designer, and in the Bible, it says something very peculiar about our Designer; It says that His name is 'I AM'. He simply IS; He's the SELF EXISTING BEING Who exists outside of time and the material world. Believe and trust Him and Him alone.

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