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NASA was established in 1958, mainly for the purpose of exploring the wonders of the universe and better understanding where we came from, and why any of this even exists. Their purpose is to give insights and details about all that happens during their explorations.

But what if they haven't been telling us everything? What if they've seen more than they bargained for and decided it's best if the public doesn't find out? YOU WISH! The whole organization of NASA is a hoax perpetrated by the government to limit what people know and to control what we believe.

The acronym, 'NASA' stands for "Never A Straight Answer" or "Not an Actual Space Agency" which, seemingly enough, looks like what they're all about.

Did you know that NASA has one of the world's largest film recording studios? Why is that? Obviously to keep on making their fake indoctrination movies and animations to distort the minds of the people who do not know the truth yet.

The whole organization of NASA  is nothing but a sham, made to indoctrinate people into believing they're small, purposeless, and accidental-Basically to contradict what the Bible says and to stray people away from God. They have been hiding a whole lot, while simultaneously fooling people into believing all sorts of nonsense. They hide stuff such as the shape of the earth.

As you know, no one would normally doubt a thing about NASA unless there is so much evidence that proves otherwise against them. Did you know that NASA actors undergo training underwater? That would explain the bubbles in space. Yes, "space bubbles". And when asked about it they said "we don't know anything about it". The NASA actors of 1969 said that you can't see stars when in space, but the NASA actors of now are saying that you can totally see the stars when in space. Why are their own words and facts contradicting? If they are the all-knowing explorers, they are supposed to be able to keep track of all their facts, even if they're lies. Seems like they can't stick to the script 😆

What's the point of all this secrecy? Well, it's obvious that these shady people do what they do for particular reasons, to deceive, to keep you living in fear and to hide the creator-God. Stay woke!

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