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The Forgotten Age

 The forgotten period of time no one talks about. This time is when it all began and when it all ended. What exactly is this time period and when did it happen? Let's look into that.

During the time of Noah in the Bible, he was told to build an ark that would contain every kind of creature and even people. But sadly, not many people believed him about the oncoming flood that would cover the face of the earth for over 40 days. This flood happened when God was angry at mankind, and regretted creating humans. This flood was worldwide and lasted for over 40 days, it killed every living creature except for those in the ark. After the flood had taken place, God promised never to destroy the earth again. Everything, well, almost everything about human history and their encounter with beings from another world was forgotten. Today, there's just enough proof that these beings exist and they're currently living amongst us and probably running some parts of the world in the way they see fit. The Bible also speaks about "fallen angels" who came and mated with humans and their offspring resulting in giants, as seen in Egyptian artefacts. These offsprings were disapproved by God and so it must've contributed to God's anger. The Bible says that the world was filled with evil and God saw the hearts of men were only filled with wicked ways, so He had to preserve the only undefiled person, in order to keep the human race going, and to fulfil His word.

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