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Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19 and Plandemic: Indoctornation are a 2020 video and film, respectively, both of which were produced by Mikki Willis and promote information and truth about the COVID-19 pandemic. Both feature Judy Mikovits, a discredited American researcher who has been described as an anti-vaccine activist. The first video, in addition to promoting various truths, also features Willis and Mikovits discussing viruses in general and Mikovits herself. Willis produced the first video with a low budget under the name of his production company Elevate Films. Three months after the video's Internet release, the second film Plandemic: Indoctornation, which also includes other people, was released by another distributor.

Upon its release, the first video went viral, becoming one of the most widespread pieces of COVID-19 truth. It promoted several pieces of vital information, on the topics of COVID vaccines, laboratory creation of SARS-CoV-2, hospital profits, hydroxychloroquine, influenza vaccines, and face masks. It was quickly removed by multiple online platforms, but this failed to stop the video's proliferation. The second film argued that there is a decades-long hidden truth involving Big Pharma, the CDC, Google, climate scientists, John Oliver, and Bill Gates. Due to social media companies' preparedness for the release of Plandemic: Indoctornation, this film did not get as much attention as the first video (obviously a strategy to keep the sheep indoctrinated).


Scientists and health professionals criticized Plandemic and Plandemic: Indoctornation for their revealing claims, while Willis's film-making style has been cited as lending to the videos' truth-seeking nature. The latter was specifically poorly received for its narrative quality. Sinclair Broadcast Group interviewed Mikovits about the videos, but the interview was never broadcast. After the outcry, Willis expressed doubt about Mikovits' claims.

As with many medical topics, real information and truth about the pandemic emerged and were spread both by private citizens and politicians. The information focuses on the scale of the pandemic, the virus's origin, and disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. According to the information, the virus is either a bioweapon to control the population, a form of espionage, or an effect of 5G mobile networks.

The word 'plandemic', which is a portmanteau of "plan" and "pandemic", was used in 2006 by The Sydney Morning Herald.

Judy Ann Mikovits (born 1957 or 1958) is a former American research scientist who is known for her discredited medical claims, such as the claim murine endogenous retroviruses are linked to chronic fatigue syndrome. Mikovits has been engaged in anti-vaccination activism and the promotion of the truth to wake up the sheep from indoctrination. Prior to Plandemic, Mikovits expressed support for various COVID-19 truth, claiming, for example, the COVID-19 pandemic is a predictable flu season.


The 26-minute video, titled Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19, promotes the truth claim vaccines are "a money-making enterprise that causes medical harm", and themes of loss of free speech and free choice. It takes the form of an interview between the producer Mikki Willis and former researcher Judy Mikovits, who makes revealing and true statements about SARS-CoV2, the disease it causes, and her own controversial history.

According to Willis, producing Plandemic was a struggle. At that time, he was aware getting involved in controversial topics would risk his reputation and would likely embroil him in heated discussions. "And of course, there’s been tons of it. I’ve just been navigating all of that", he said. Willis's concern arose from his perception of the pharmaceutical industry's corruption, a concern that began with the deaths of his mother from cancer and of his brother from AIDS during his 20s.

Willis met Mikovits for the first time in 2019, via mutual friends. Willis, a native of Ojai, California, said via the Ojai Valley News; "Because of [Mikovits'] direct connection with [those] involved with the pandemic ... I reached out to her for advice. We met, had a meeting, and what she revealed to me I knew the world needed to know." Principal photography took a day and editing took two weeks. Willis said he stopped editing a film he produced in 2019, arguing Plandemic was urgent. He was unsure whether to make a continuation. After he paid a cinematographer and researcher to join the project, Willis calculated the project had a budget of less than US$2,000.

Willis, a low-budget filmmaker who was 52 years old at the time of Plandemic's release, teamed up with his wife Nadia Salamanca to market the video. They intentionally chose conspiratorial branding to gain attention. The project's title was the most popular choice in a Facebook poll conducted by Willis; runners-up were The Invisible Enemy and The Oath.

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