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DISCLAIMER: The above image isn't how or what the Messiah looked like, but it is an illustration and/or depiction of what the scriptures say He appeared to be.

All of our lives, we have been taught that Jesus was a blue-eyed, blond-haired, white man. This image of a "white messiah" appears in churches all across the world, especially in the Roman Catholic Church. But as accepted as this image which has been presented to us may be, IT IS FALSE.

Not only was the messiah black, but everyone mentioned in the bible was black. From Adam to Paul, the writings in the book that we call the 'Bible', were all written by people of colour (Black).

Images dishonour God, for they obscure his glory. According to Charles Hodge "Idolatry consists not only in the worship of false gods but also in the worship of the true God by images." This means that we are not to make use of visual or pictorial representations of the true God, or of any person of the Trinity, for the purposes of Christian worship. The commandment thus deals not with the object of worship, but with the manner of it, what it tells us is that statues and pictures of the One whom we worship are not to be used as an aid to worshipping Him.

In the ancient times, it was no secret that Jesus Christ was a Black man from the tribe of Judah. The early Jews knew it because they were also Blacks. The Romans knew it, and the Greeks knew it. In fact, all the people of his time, and long afterwards, knew that the Messiah Christ Jesus was a Black man. This article is an inconvenient truth that you may not be ready to read. THROUGH THIS ARTICLE, YOU'LL GET ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING: ●What is the mind of God on Idolatry which consists not only in the worship of false gods but also in the worship of the true God by images? ●Is Jesus really a Black man from the tribe of Judah? ●If Jesus is black then does the bible support it? ●Are Black people the original Hebrew Israelites? ●Is there any forensic and scientific proof that the Messiah was black? ●Who is the man in the picture that is displayed in most churches around the world? ●Why is the colour of Jesus very important in the revelation of the Anti-Christ?

Although colour is a subject that is highly avoided in today's white supremacist society; the Bible contains detailed narratives on the physical appearances and skin colour of God's chosen people -- the Hebrew Israelites. Please note that this article has nothing to do with race or black pride, this is only about getting the truth out to our people so they can wake up from the lies.

Images of White Jesus have obviously been used to promote the idea that white is best, thereby making the Blacks feel less important. The act of imposing a "white messiah" has the most terrible effects on people who do not look like that.

The act of idol worshipping, the gruesome and brutal killing of animals and sprinkling their blood as a sacrifice offered to the creatures they created in the fashion of man they refer to as "god".

They rob the true God of his glory by offering sacrifices, adoration, praises, honours to these images they created thus making the Almighty jealous and angry.

This act of worshipping an image is still being practised by some Churches like the Roman Catholic Church and others. God is a Spirit and now is the time when true worshippers will worship Him in Spirit and truth. The scripture in Exodus 20: 4-6, says:

The commandment thus deals not with the object of worship, but with the manner of it, what it tells us is that statues and pictures of the One whom we worship are not to be used as an aid to worshipping Him.

But even more important than the pictorial images of Jesus we see in the world is seeing Christ alive in every person. Especially those who are marginalized, those who are persecuted or those who are victimized in any way. Christ lives in them.

It is more important to find Christ in every person because each of us is an express image of Him. Jesus died and rose for everyone irrespective of colour or race.

This goes beyond just emphasizing on its title, it gives deep Scriptural insight of WHO JESUS TRULY IS. Irrespective of tribe or race, one should really see the need of attracting the person of the Holy Spirit who will reveal this hidden truth to you according to the Author because the Holy Spirit is TRUTH.

Every truth-seeker who is uncomfortable with the lies, deception and conspiracy theories orchestrated by the wicked one and his agents to rob Jesus of his deity and true identity. It is not designed to be user friendly and it is an affront to racism living in the walls of churches and in the West.

If Jesus is truly a black man according to the scriptures and pieces of evidence, then it means that the real children of Abraham are also black. This article is a historical story of the most prominent figure ever known to mankind (JESUS) the founder of Christianity, the head of the church of God, the creator of heaven and the earth. This article provides a detailed description, exposition, analysis (Forensic & Scientific) with huge biblical proofs and references of the true colour of YESHUA (whom the world calls Jesus) as 'BLACK' contrary to the blue-eyed, blond-haired, images of a "WHITE messiah" that appears in churches all across the World. Although this article has nothing to do with race or black pride, this is only about getting the truth out to our people so they can wake up from the lies. It also offers a thorough insight into who the people of colour are (Hebrew Israelite) true Jews of the Bible, exposing the attacks on the deity of Jesus Christ, unmasking the barbaric Western culture in their worship of a creature than the Creator. 

Finally, it answers at length all of the objections that have been levelled against these proofs. This article also provides an ambitious and complete defence of the GOSPEL OF TRUTH that exposes the falsehood of the man in the church and in the world with the aim of bringing salvation and freedom of the man from bondage through knowledge of the TRUTH in Christ Jesus… SALVATION IS ASSURED! The scriptures warned that “false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones (Matthew 24:24).” I have often wondered how the anti-Christ will look like when he eventually comes to deceive and lure men to hell until I saw a recent video of a white man masquerading as Jesus in Kenya, Africa; Deceiving and exploiting innocent victims, promising them heaven in return for their hard-earned money. 

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children (Hosea 4:6).”

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32).”

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