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Extraterrestrials (Aliens)

We've all heard about the little green men, right? You know, the guys from another planet outer space that came to "visit" us but never really show themselves, the ones who are always watching, the people who erase our memories after we've seen them and then make us feel like we're going crazy, the possible enslavers of mankind, the shape-shifting intelligent extra-dimensional beings who abduct us to take us on a "space trip" on their home planet and perform experiments on us without our permissions, the masters of telepathy. Yes, that's right, Aliens.

Let's take a deep dive (possibly down a rabbit hole) about who these guys really are, what they want, and what they know.

First of all, what are aliens really? No one seems to have a specific, reliable definition as to who these guys are. What we know so far is that they're super-intelligent, they have the ability to shape-shift, they probably know how to time travel and they seem to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Some people believe that we're some kind of "experiment" by our extraterrestrial visitors or that many years ago, they mated with early humans which aided in modifying our DNA, making us what we are today. Some people call them "fallen angels" as written in old Egyptian and Biblical books. Some believe that they're old Egyptian "gods" which the people of that time worshipped in their ancient, yet advanced modern society. The people of that time barely had any efficient technology but yet they were able to accomplish magnificent things that seemed impossible. Archaeological finds of today reveal sophisticated tools and machinery used by our forefathers to achieve a lot ahead of their time. Could it be that the aliens of that time who visited, came along with advanced technologies (souvenirs) to aid the growth of the existence of humans? If so, why's it all forgotten? This may answer that question: The Forgotten Age

These guys came to visit us and came along with peace offerings (technology) and were worshipped as gods but they just "vanished" without a trace. Or did they? They may still be walking amongst us. Remember, these beings are shape-shifters, although it isn't proven for sure that they can really shape-shift, it just seems so obvious that they could. We'll take whatever we have on them.

Another sign of their existence is déjà vu. Yes, that feeling you get that a particular moment in time has happened before could be because it has and they reversed time because something happened, maybe you came across one of them or you were close to figuring out some vital information about them, so they had to make sure "that never happened". Get it?

They've also been leaving us signs of their presence like the bizarre designs on cornfields, the Bermuda triangle, and stone henge. Maybe it's all like a code we have to decipher? I sure hope we'll be able to crack the code soon enough.

People who have retired from working at Area 51 often claim to have seen aliens and that they are of different species. Among the alien species in which they know, 9/10 of them actually want to help humanity and make us evolve into better beings in the best way possible. While the others just want to see the end of us. These ones could be: The Illuminati 

So, what if someday, the aliens reveal themselves to us, then what? What happens next? Will it be of benefit to humanity or will it result in the end of us as a species? What's the next step we take? Will we live together in peace and harmony? Did you know that the ex-president of the United States of America (Donald J. Trump) almost revealed the existence of aliens but he was told not to do so by his "associates"? World Leaders all know about the existence of extraterrestrials but have chosen to keep it from the public. Why? you may ask, it's because there's something in it for them. There's always a catch. Our alien brothers and sisters have been trying to make contact with the public but apparently, they can't because they've agreed with the government not to interact with us until due time. That's probably why they're hiding in plain sight and a majority of the world's population believes that extraterrestrials do not exist. 

All in all, the overall truth is that "aliens" are really just Nephilims (fallen angels) and they came to mate with humans and had giants as offsprings. They did all sorts of things and there were many atrocities on earth which led to the great flood. But these beings still walk amongst us and they've fixed themselves in certain aspects of the world to rule it. Stay woke!

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