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Just in case you might not know, sinister forces prey on you to distort the truth, eliminate joy and hope in an attempt to convince you that if there happens to be a God up there, somewhere, he certainly doesn't love us or have the time to consider insignificant specs like us. Then, screwtape and friends start messing with your heart, mind and soul, ever so subtly to the various pawns and systems of the world to depress, distress, devour, and destroy you.

So-called "educational organizations" work tirelessly to convince us that we live in an accidental, ultimately pointless "universe" that's headed for an imminent heat death, rendering everybody to dusty ash flakes, like a "Thanos snap" 😒 No purpose, no meaning. Then, like all of us, you get abused by someone by someone who is supposed to protect you, shamed by someone who is supposed to honour you, and betrayed by someone who is supposed to be trustworthy. You don't make the cut, make the grade, get the callback, get the raise, get the reward, seems like you never get anything you want, and just like that, they got you playing the victim. The enemy has you right where he wants you, he muddles your thinking by messing with your feelings. You feel, unimportant, unknown, unnecessary, worst of all, you become undone, because you feel unloved. This, my friends, is exactly where you can end up if you focus on yourself and the storms of life, instead of God and His promises, if you believe the lies of the enemy, instead of the revelation of the Bible, if you let wavering feelings trump Biblical thinking (more on that later on) but for now, let's just set the record straight.

The truth is, you are loved, you are special, you have a purpose, you are eternally valuable, you are known, you are seen by God Himself Who made you in His very image and gave you life, breath, and everything. The Bible says:

He demonstrates His love for us in this, while we were still sinnersChrist died for us. -Romans 5:8

That's right, even though He knows your deepest desires, your darkest thoughts, your most sinful secrets, and your most egregious acts, He still pursues you to redeem you, to ransom you, to reconcile you, to restore you. Why? Because He loves you! There's nothing like His love, by the way, He can rescue you, restore you, help you, refresh you, inspire you, comfort you, and give you true hope and eternal joy. The persistent, consistent, sufficient, subsistent, non-distant love He has for you is undeniable, reliable, unquantifiable and non-pliable, whether you feel it or not! Told you I'd come back to that 😏 and you know what? It's a good I did because we gotta admit, our feelings are not the most reliable things in the world. This is why the Bible says:

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. -Colossians 3:2

Matter of fact, the one thing that you can control in this world, is your thinking and if you get it right, you'll understand just how loved you are. So, I guess it comes down to one question: Who do you trust? If you trust the world, the enemy, or even some of your own misguided feelings, which, by the way, are easily manipulated even by the latest cat video, then you will most likely put away rational thoughts, start feeling sorry for yourself, and believing nobody loves you, but if you trust the all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect, holy, and eternal God Who knows you intimately, formed you with His knowledge and power, then you will be confident that your life is of utmost value, and know that you are loved by the King of kings.

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